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Clear Creek Bowmen 

Spooner Summit between US Hwy. 50 and Clear Creek Rd

Click the club logo to go to their website

The club has a range and holds events each year


High Desert Archers 

940 Matley Ln #5, Reno

Click the club logo to go to their website

An indoor range, with a pro shop that holds events throughout the year


Impact Archery 

6323 Dean Martin Dr. Las Vegas

Click the club logo to go to their website

3,300 sq foot store with a 20 yard indoor range


Silver Arrow Bowmen 

1255 Matterhon Drive. Reno

Click the club logo to go to their website

We are Reno's premier archery club for active archers...
Formed in the 1950's, we were officially incorporated as a Nevada non profit corporation in 1984, when we also established our range at the north end of Lemmon Valley.  This is now the Washoe County Archery Facility/Silver Arrow Bowmen Range. We partnered with the Washoe County Parks Department and obtained a land grant from the BLM to accomplish this and we are now the managers of this park, with oversight from the Washoe County Parks Department.


Walker River Bowmen 

3 miles west on Luzier Lane. Just Northwest of Yerington off of US Hwy 95A.

Click the club logo to go to their website

The club holds events throughout the year and are members of multiple organizations.


Wasting Arrows Indoor Archery 

5260 Longley Lane, Reno

Click the club logo to go to their website

Besides the range, they offer lessons, and events

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